recover Lost PivX coins from Forked / Bad Blockchain (wallet issues)

Recover misplaced and lost PIVX coins from Forked blockchains -

(Check your lost BITTREX transactions)

 Unfortunately, the numerous upgrades and Wallet patches have forced a lot of users onto an alternate Blockchain that isn't compatible with the rest of the PivX network and users. To keep it simple, and based on personal experience; the repetitive upgrades of the PivX desktop wallet can create a 'phantom' or  new blockchain (forked) that looks genuine but is operating in it's own universe without any relevance to the real blockchain.

One tell tale sign of a 'forked' blockchain is evident when an expected coins never arrive into your wallet, but the PivX blockchain check shows the transaction is completed and verified. This situation might only present itself after days of waiting, but can be rectified at any time.

I recently suffered this misfortune when i withdrew an amount of PivX coins from Bittrex exchange, but never received them.

i hope this proves to be useful if you are ever caught out. click on the link at the top of the article to watch or subscribe to my YouTube channel Cyber Macgyver

 Good Luck!

i use this PivX Faucet


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